It is important to follow your practitioners advice with any of our services.
We offer this assistance to ensure you get the best long lasting results from your services with us.
We are always here to assist you further so if you have any questions please either add them to the community forum and we will answer them or simply message / call us.

Getting a beaming Hollywood smile has never been easier!
Here are a couple of steps to help you get the most out of your treatment.
BEFORE your Treatment:
We want to make sure you get the most out of your treatment to get that killer smile. It is strongly recommended that you see your dentist for a clean 14 to 21 days prior to your teeth whitening session to address any tartar, calculus or gum disease. By doing this you allow more product to make contact with the surface of the tooth, and ensure an even colour is distributed across the surface of the tooth. It is also recommended that no anti- inflammatories are taken 3 days prior to your treatment.
During your Treatment:
A retainer is placed in your mouth, and a thin layer of product is applied onto the surface of the teeth. The light source is switched after each application for a period of time. Both light source and retainer are then removed from your mouth for you to rinse your mouth. A treatment involves going through 2 to 3 applications of the product and light source during your booking, which can take up to an hour in the seat. It is normal after one treatment for your teeth to go more than 8 shades whiter after a treatment. Some individuals may experience some sensitivity around the gum line for a couple of hours following treatment.
After your Treatment:
To get the best out of your new smile, an after care sheet will be provided to you. The biggest and most important after care tip is to avoid any food and drinks that are coloured for the following 24hrs. If you think it will stain a white shirt, it will stain your teeth. We recommend using one of our professional grade teeth whitening kits monthly at home, and repeat treatments in our chair every 3 to 6 months to maintain your bright, white and healthy looking Hollywood smile.
Get in Touch:
It is normal to have concerns, especially if this is your first time experiencing this service. We encourage you have a look at our FAQs available on our website: You are also welcome to contact Killer Hair directly on 0498 988 131. It is helpful if you also have images or short videos to send through upon request so that we can better understand and help you further.

Congratulations on your new hair system!
What to Expect:
It is completely normal to feel unusual having a hair system, especially if it has been some time since having a full set of hair. Though the hair system is made of human hair, it is attached to a base, so the way the hair behaves and the sensations you will experience on your scalp will be new to you. The human hair you are wearing is no longer attached to the skin, thus unable to be naturally lubricated by natural oils, requiring extra attention to care, and can take a couple of weeks of wearing before the hair falls in your desired style and any loose hairs to be removed from the base. Depending on your skin type and the amount of hair that was shaved down, the base may become itchy. Itching is common for the first few weeks until your skin adapts. The hair system will need to be rebonded every couple of weeks to be thoroughly cleaned and placed back onto the clean shaven scalp.
To get the most out of your new hair, we recommend that you:
Wait 24 hours before washing your hair
Wash with shampoo only every 2 weeks, followed by conditioner
Daily care - spray with a leave in conditioner to style, also add a medium density leave in conditioner such as de Lorenzo’s Satur8 ( available online or instore)
Use a small amount of serum (De Lorenzo Oil) to seal in the moisture
Use the provided wide tooth comb to comb the hair. Try to use sparingly to preserve the hair.
Use the provided products to style and maintain the integrity of the hair
When experiencing itching, use your finger to dab onto the area for a few seconds
Initially the hair may not move where you would like so wet it thoroughly (after the initial 24 hours) and put on a loose cap or beanie. The hair will bend in the correct direction.
Exercise or swim for the next 48 hours
Wash your new hair system daily (only every 2-3 weeks)
Excessively brushing your new hair
Use products other than professional grade products
Scratch or rub the scalp if itchy
Wear a cap that is fitted or snug
Recommended Revisit:
As part of your new hair system, you have your first rebond included with your purchase. It can take up to an hour for this process. It is recommended after your new hair system that you get this done within two to three weeks and you book a few days in advance.
For all future rebonds there will be a cost involved but you can make the choice to do this on your own and we will provide the training and care kit (see online store).
Depending on your level of care, it is recommended that a new hair system is ordered every 3-6 months. We can explore ordering the same colour and length, or even change it depending on the look you are going for. A minimum of 2 weeks notice with a down payment is required to ensure your specific hair system is available for the time of your new fitting.
Other Information:
It is important that if you require a haircut, beard trim, and reshaping or recolouring your existing hair system that you let us know at the time of your booking. This will be at an additional cost to the rebond.
Hair systems behave differently to your actual hair, and few hair stylists know how to cut your hair to complement having a hair system, risking having an exposed base. It is strongly recommended that any cutting of your existing hair or the head piece hair is done by one of our stylists.
Congratulations on your new look with SMP!
What to Expect:
It is completely normal to feel unusual seeing yourself with SMP, especially if it has been some time since having hair. SMP inserts pigment into the skin using a specialised cosmetic tattoo machine. It is normal that the areas you have received this treatment to feel more sensitive and red than usual for a few hours after your treatment. In the following days it is normal to experience itching or flaking of the skin where SMP was done. Depending on your skin type and amount of flaking, it is normal for some pigment to be lost and require a touch up session to increase the density where pigment has been lost. Unlike regular tattoos, there is no need to use antiseptic creams or moisturisers.
To get the most out of your SMP, we recommend after a SMP session that you:
Avoid direct sunlight on the scalp for 10 days by wearing a clean hat or beanie
Keep the scalp sweat free
Sleep on a fresh pillowcase to avoid infection
Splash cool water over the scalp to wash, then allow to naturally dry for the next 10 days
Use a fresh facial towel to pat dry the area if getting sweaty
Do Not:
Have any anti-inflammatory for the next 7 days
Consume alcohol for the next 3 days
Exercise or partake in activities that can cause sweating for the next 10 days
Expose the scalp to direct sunlight for the next 10 days
Subject the scalp to direct running water when showering, especially heated water for 30 days following treatment
Scratch or rub the scalp if itchy
Take a bath or swim for 30 days after treatment
Recommended Revisit:
As part of your SMP, you will be getting a total of three sessions for our artist to complete the work and ensure maximal pigment is taken up by the scalp. This is done as two lots of 5 hours one day apart, with a 2 hour touch up 10 days later. It is strongly encouraged that the instructions are followed closely after each SMP session to get the maximal benefits from the work. For all year round results, a touch up of SMP every 12-18 months would be recommended.

What to Expect:
It is completely normal to feel unusual seeing yourself for the first few days after your treatment for waxing or intense pulsed light therapy (IPL). Waxing is designed to pull the hair out of the skin, whereas IPL is designed to remove hair by killing the hair follicle. Waxing gives immediate results and IPL can take a few weeks before the results become noticeable. It is normal for the areas that received this treatment to feel warm, more sensitive and red than usual for the remainder of the day. With waxing it is normal to experience the hair regrowing within 2 weeks and for bumps to be felt where the treatment was performed. IPL treatments result in the hair falling out of the skin over the course of weeks. It is important to remember that both treatments are not once off permanent hair loss solutions, instead it is about managing the amount of hair. With additional treatments that are close together, it is possible to permanently reduce the amount of hair within that treated area.
Avoid direct sunlight to the area for the next 14 days
Keep the area sweat free for 14 days
Sleep on a fresh pillowcase and sheets to avoid infection
Use a fresh towel to pat dry the area if getting sweaty
Use our recommended products to help nourish and the new skin
Only exfoliate the treated area very gently, and no sooner than 3 days following treatment
Do Not:
Expose the area to direct sunlight for the next 14 days
Have any anti-inflammatory for the next 3 days
Consume alcohol for the next 3 days
Exercise or partake in activities that can cause sweating for the next 3 days
Use products and scrubs other than what was recommended
Scratch or rub if the area is itchy
Take a bath or swim for 3 days after treatment
Recommended Revisit:
We pride ourselves in making sure that you are looking your best with your new look. As such we always recommend after your first hair removal session to repeat sessions every 4 weeks for the first 3 months, then used as per required thereafter. This allows the skin and hair to adapt to the treatment, and reduce the hair density on your skin. It is strongly encouraged that the instructions are followed closely after each session to get the maximal benefits from the treatment.
Other Information:
It is important to feed your skin the nutrients that it requires to remain soft, smooth, even toned and have a healthy glow. We offer an exclusive dermatologist approved skin care range that is superior to other products available on the market, designed to nourish and balance your skin using transdermal technology for the active ingredients to reach exactly where it is needed. Our trained team will prescribe to you the right combination of products that is most suitable for you and your goals. You can expect to feel and notice the results after first use, and within a week notice significant changes to your skin quality, tone and texture.
Congratulations on your glow up!
What to Expect:
Microneedling creates small channels into the upper layer of the skin using a specialised device to promote new skin cells to development. It is normal for the areas that received this treatment to feel warm, more sensitive and red than usual for a couple of days following your session. As the inflammation settles, your skin colour will return to normal, and some skin may flake off over the course of a week. Optimal results are noticed 4 to 6 weeks following your treatment.
Avoid direct sunlight to the area for the next 7 days
Keep the area sweat free
Sleep on a fresh pillowcase and sheets to avoid infection
Use a fresh facial towel to pat dry the area if getting sweaty
Use our recommended products to help nourish and the new skin
Apply facial sunscreen with SPF 50+
Do Not:
Expose the area to direct sunlight for the next 7 days
Have any anti-inflammatory for the next 7days
Consume alcohol for the next 3 days
Exercise or partake in activities that can cause sweating for the next 3 days
Use products other than what was recommended
Scratch or rub if the area is itchy or flakey
Take a bath or swim for 3 days after treatment
Recommended Revisit:
We pride ourselves in making sure that you are looking your best with your new look. As such we always recommend repeat sessions 6 to 12 weeks apart to continually promote new skin growth. It is strongly encouraged that the instructions are followed closely after each session to get the maximal benefits from the treatment.
Other Information:
It is important to feed your skin the nutrients that it requires to remain soft, smooth, even toned and have a healthy glow. We offer an exclusive dermatologist approved skin care range that is superior to other products available on the market, designed to nourish and balance your skin using transdermal technology for the active ingredients to reach exactly where it is needed. Our trained team will prescribe to you the right combination of products that is most suitable for you and your goals. You can expect to feel and notice the results after first use, and within a week notice significant changes to your skin quality, tone and texture.

What to Expect:
This treatment a little downtime and that is why it is the perfect facial for improving the texture of the skin and cleaning our the deeper impurities trapped right down at the pore level of the skin.
Avoid direct sunlight for 2-3 days after the treatment
Always wear good quality sun protection on your face and hands.
Sleep on a fresh pillowcase and sheets to avoid infection
Use a fresh towel and clean pillow cases
Use our recommended products to help nourish the new skin
Only exfoliate the treated area very gently, and no sooner than 3 days following treatment
Do Not:
Expose the area to direct sunlight for 2-3 days
Exercise or partake in activities that can cause sweating for the next day
Use products and scrubs other than what was recommended
Scratch or rub if the area is itchy
Take a bath or swim for a days after treatment
Recommended Revisit:
We pride ourselves in making sure that you are looking your best with your new look. As such we always recommend after your first session to repeat sessions every 4 weeks for the first 3 months, then used as per required thereafter. This allows the skin and to adapt to the treatment, and reduce the impurities on your skin. It is strongly encouraged that the instructions are followed closely after each session to get the maximal benefits from the treatment.
Other Information:
It is important to feed your skin the nutrients that it requires to remain soft, smooth, even toned and have a healthy glow. We offer an exclusive dermatologist approved skin care range that is superior to other products available on the market, designed to nourish and balance your skin using transdermal technology for the active ingredients to reach exactly where it is needed. Our trained team will prescribe to you the right combination of products that is most suitable for you and your goals. You can expect to feel and notice the results after first use, and within a week notice significant changes to your skin quality, tone and texture.

Congratulations on your next step to healthy, glowing skin!
What to Expect:
It is completely normal to feel unusual seeing yourself for the first week days after your treatment. Fibroblasting creates small burns into the upper layer of the skin using a specialised device to promote new skin cell development, tighten skin in areas of wrinkles and laxity, remove unwanted skin pigment, and nourish all surrounding skin by drastically increasing circulation. It is normal for 3 to 7 days following the treatment that the areas may feel warm, be more sensitive than usual, and appear much darker than the rest of your skin colour. As the inflammation settles and scabs flake off, the areas treated will appear lighter than the rest of your skin. It takes 7 to 14 days before the treated areas return to the normal colour as the rest of your skin. Optimal results are noticed 4 to 6 weeks following your treatment.
Avoid direct sunlight to the area for the next 14 days, wearing a broad hat at all times outdoors
Apply facial sunscreen with SPF 50+
Keep the area sweat free
Sleep on a fresh pillowcase and sheets to avoid infection
Use a fresh facial towel to pat dry around the treated areas if getting sweaty
Use our recommended products to help nourish and the new skin
Do Not:
Expose the area to direct sunlight for the next 14 days
Have any anti-inflammatory for the next 10 days
Consume alcohol for the next 3 days
Exercise or partake in activities that can cause sweating for the next 5 days
Use products other than what was recommended
Touch, scratch or rub if the area is itchy or flakey
Take a bath or swim for 14 days after treatment
Have any cosmetic treatments done for the next 6 weeks
Recommended Revisit:
We pride ourselves in making sure that you are looking your best with your new look. As such we always recommend repeat sessions every 3 to 6 months apart to promote new skin growth, reduce skin laxity and improve the skin quality. It is strongly encouraged that the instructions are followed closely after each session to get the maximal benefits from the treatment.
Other Information:
It is important to feed your skin the nutrients that it requires to remain soft, smooth, even toned and have a healthy glow. We offer an exclusive dermatologist approved skin care range that is superior to other products available on the market, designed to nourish and balance your skin using transdermal technology for the active ingredients to reach exactly where it is needed. Our trained team will prescribe to you the right combination of products that is most suitable for you and your goals. You can expect to feel and notice the results after first use, and within a week notice significant changes to your skin quality, tone and texture.
Getting healthy, glowing and youthful skin has never been easier.
To get the most out of your treatment, there are a couple of steps to help you get the most out of your treatment.
What is a Skin Treatment?
Skin treatments use technology to break down and remove the uppermost layer of the skin whilst creating a healthy level of inflammation to stimulate new skin growth. The goal is to create brighter, healthier, and youthful looking skin. Recommendations will be made based upon your skin type, your goals and any skin conditions which you may have. Some treatments will use products to desensitise the skin, making it a more pleasant experience for your treatment.
Before your Treatment:
We want to make sure you get the most out of your treatment and to work with the healthy level of inflammation that is created. It is strongly recommended that:
- 6 weeks prior to your treatment you should not have any other kind of skin treatment done, this includes botox and fillers.
- 4 weeks prior to your treatment you should not use any products containing retinol, alpha hydroxy acids, tretinoin, vitamin A, or skin whitening products. Limit the amount of sun exposure to your skin and use SPF 50+ facial sunscreen whilst wearing a hat when outdoors
- 3 days prior to your treatment you should not use any anti-inflammatories
- On the day you should not wear no makeup and be well hydrated
During your Treatment:
You will be in a recliner seat to receive your skin treatment. Depending on the treatment and goal will reflect the amount of time you will be in the seat, and if numbing creaming is indicated. In some cases you will get a break during your treatment. It is normal after one treatment for your teeth to go more than 8 shades whiter. For some individuals they may experience some sensitivity around the gum line for a couple of hours following treatment.
After your Treatment:
A detailed information sheet will be given to you after your treatment. It is normal for 3 to 7days following the treatment that the skin may feel warm, be more sensitive than usual, and appear red or darker than the rest of your skin colour. As the inflammation settles and scabs flake off, the areas treated will appear lighter than the rest of your skin. Depending on the
type of treatment and your skin type, it can take 3 to 14 days before the treated areas return to the normal colour as the rest of your skin. Optimal results are noticed 6 to 8 weeks following your treatment.

You are now shattering your tattoo ink!
What to Expect:
It is completely normal to feel unusual seeing yourself for the first few days after your treatment. Tattoo removal involves a specialised device and to break down ink that is deposited in your skin. Inflammation is formed and your body’s lymphatics will naturally remove the ink while the skin heals. It is normal for the treated area to become red, swollen, blistering and scab for 3 to 5 days following your treatment. An antibacterial ointment and dressing will be applied to the area post treatment to assist with healing. Best results are noticed 6 to 8 weeks following treatment. Depending on the ink density, colour, and skin type will reflect the number of treatments required.
To get the most out of your new look, we recommend following treatment that you:
Keep the dressing onto the skin until you next shower, being no more than 24hrs following application of the dressing
Keep the area clean with antibacterial ointment daily for 7 days
Avoid direct sunlight to the area for the next 14 days, wearing a broad hat at all times outdoors
Apply sunscreen with SPF 50+
Keep the area sweat free
Sleep on a fresh pillowcase and sheets to avoid infection
Use a fresh towel to pat dry around the treated areas if getting sweaty
Use our recommended products to help nourish and the new skin
Do Not:
Expose the area to direct sunlight for the next 14 days
Have any anti-inflammatory for the next 10 days
Consume alcohol for the next 3 days
Exercise or partake in activities that can cause sweating for the next 5 days
Use products other than what was recommended
Touch, scratch or rub if the area is itchy or flakey
Take a bath or swim for 14 days after treatment
Have any cosmetic treatments done for the next 6 weeks
Recommended Revisit:
We pride ourselves in making sure that you are looking your best with your new look. Generally it takes 2 to 4 treatments to fade a tattoo, and up to 12 treatments to achieve complete removal of a tattoo. Each treatment would be needed 6 to 8 weeks apart. To allow enough time to heal and get the best results from this modality. It is strongly encouraged that the instructions are followed closely after each session to get the maximal benefits from the treatment.
Other Information:
It is important to feed your skin the nutrients that it requires to remain soft, smooth, even toned and have a healthy glow whilst allowing your lymphatic system to function at its fullest and remove the broken down ink. We offer an exclusive dermatologist approved skin care range that is superior to other products available on the market, designed to nourish and balance your skin using transdermal technology for the active ingredients to reach exactly where it is needed. Our trained team will prescribe to you the right combination of products that is most suitable for you and your goals. You can expect to feel and notice the results after first use, and within a week notice significant changes to your skin quality, tone and texture. If at any point the area becomes very hot or there is evidence of pus, please seek medical attention.
Our specialised tattoo removal devices do not cause scarring, instead can reveal pre existing scars that were created from having a tattoo. As such, tattoo removal will reveal any scars that have existed prior. We offer safe and effective ways to treat any scarring that may be revealed as part of the tattoo removal process

Congratulations on your next step to a healthier body!
What to Expect:
It is completely normal to feel unusual seeing yourself for the first few days after your first body contouring treatment. Body contouring uses a low temperate heat to break down fat cells while causing the skin in that area to tighten to create a sculpted physique. It is particularly effective for the abdomen, love handles, glutes and thighs. Results are noticed within a matter of weeks, and reduce the amount of fat in the treated area by 24% after one session. It is normal for the area to have the sensation similar to that of sunburn for 24 hours following treatment. As the fat cells are broken down the liver will be working harder to excrete the fat, as such it is normal to notice an increase in bowel movement and softer than normal stools for up to 72 hours following treatment. Optimal results are noticed 6 to 10 weeks following your treatment, accompanied with a healthy physical activity and nutritional plan.
Avoid direct sunlight to the area for the next 7 days
Keep the area sweat free for 14 days
Sleep on a fresh pillowcase and sheets to avoid infection
Use a fresh towel to pat dry the area if getting sweaty
Use our recommended products to help nourish the new skin in that targeted area
Remain well hydrated
Maintain a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet
Have a consistent exercise routine
Do Not:
Expose the area to direct sunlight for the next 7 days
Have any anti-inflammatory for the next 7days
Consume alcohol for the next 3 days
Exercise or partake in activities that can cause excessive sweating for the next 3 days
Use products other than what was recommended
Rub the area if itchy
Take a bath or swim for the next 7 days after treatment
Recommended Revisit:
We pride ourselves in making sure that you are looking your best with your new look. Most clients require 2 to 4 treatments 12 weeks apart with maintenance sessions every 6 to 12 months thereafter. Depending on your individual biology, lifestyle, and goals, you may require 6 to 8 sessions, and this will be discussed with you by one of our trained staff to make an appropriate recommendation. Sessions must be no sooner than 12 weeks apart to allow maximal tightening of the skin whilst further dissolving unwanted fat in the targeted areas. It is strongly encouraged that the instructions are followed closely after each session to get the maximal benefits from the treatment, and a healthy exercise routine and diet are followed to maintain your new figure.
Other Information:
It is important to feed your skin the nutrients that it requires to remain soft, smooth, even toned and have a healthy glow whilst allowing your lymphatic system to function at its fullest and remove the broken down ink. We offer an exclusive dermatologist approved skin care range that is superior to other products available on the market, designed to nourish and balance your skin using transdermal technology for the active ingredients to reach exactly where it is needed. Our trained team will prescribe to you the right combination of products that is most suitable for you and your goals. You can expect to feel and notice the results after first use, and within a week notice significant changes to your skin quality, tone and texture. If at any point the area becomes very hot or there is evidence of pus, please seek medical attention.
Our specialised tattoo removal devices do not cause scarring, instead can reveal pre existing scars that were created from having a tattoo. As such, tattoo removal will reveal any scars that have existed prior. We offer safe and effective ways to treat any scarring that may be revealed as part of the tattoo removal process
Get in Touch
It is normal to have concerns, especially if this is your first time experiencing this service. We encourage you have a look at our FAQs available on our our website.
You are also welcome to contact Killer Look directly on 0498 988 131.
It is helpful if you also have images or short videos to send through upon request so that we can better understand and help you further.